Credits: Sohexy

Tools (download these tools in the DOWNLOAD section):

A) fiddler2
B) preferred browser

C) (database.dat and ShopGarden2107.dat) DOWNLOAD HERE

Follow these steps:

A. As usual, download the above file.
B. Replace it with with fiddler.
C. Go to the Garden and buy Pink Elegant Throne. It will be bought as a Win or lose box for 150 coins.
D. Buy 99 of them.
E. Open of all of the boxes and save the game. Close fiddler.
F. Go back into the game and sell the Pink Elegant Throne for 999 coins. Enjoy!!!

Source: Facebook's Games : cheats, tips and tricks for FarmVille, Pet Society, Biotronic and much more.

date Thursday, May 20, 2010

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