Speaking to MTV News, film director Guillermo del Toro said he plans to announce a deal with a video game studio "soon" to make games. There are a few clues as to what kind of game he'd like to make -- but not many on with whom del Toro could make them.

Games blog MTV Multiplayer has the thought that the mystery "big company" could be Irrational Games -- since that studio has plans to unveil their mystery game in August. MTV also points out, however, that del Toro wanted to do a Hobbit game once upon a time ad we doubt that Irrational managed to score that contract without J.R.R. Tolkien fans finding out about it.

So who could it be? Activision, EA, maybe even Sony? Hopefully we'll find out sooner rather than later.

Here's del Toro's full quote in the MTV News interview:

"One of the things we're announcing in the next few weeks is a big deal with a big company. We're going to do games that are going to be technically and narratively very interesting. It's not a development deal. We're going to do it. We're doing them. And we're going to announce it soon enough."

Guillermo del Toro Has Multiple Games In The Works With A 'Big Company' [MTV Multiplayer]

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Source: Daily News from GamePro.com

date Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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