As we wrote a few weeks ago, Facebook should announce the 500 million milestone around “mid-July”. It appears that we were pretty spot on. Facebook has sent out an email to Facebook employees, new and old, to thank them for their contributions as they prepare to announce the 500 million milestone and asking them to upload photos to thank users. We’ve also been told by a source close to the company that the new tab designs will be rolled out on August 1st, soon after the 500 million user milestone is marked.

Facebook 500 Million

While we don’t know the exact date that the 500 million milestone will be surpassed, we’ve been hearing increasing chatter surrounding the announcement and are expecting it to take place within days. There are also a number of interactive experiences that Facebook is testing which would honor the 500 million mark. We’re looking forward to the official announcement!

Source: All Facebook

date Thursday, July 15, 2010

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