Closing in on GamesCom and PAX Prime and early announcements are starting to trickle out. A rich man wins more money, and we had our weekly podcast. Now for the stuff we didn't get to.

Daily (Stale) Bread: The news we didn't post July 30, 2010

07/30 -- ProTip: Don't fire people while they're in space

EA issuing pre-order refunds for Battlefield 1943 PC, release date still unknown
AJ: That's a bad sign.

Firmware 3.41 Causing Problems to HDD Upgraders
Dave: Does a firmware update ever not cause problems?

Video Games Live airing on PBS - find out when it's on in your area
AJ: Call me a snob, but I prefer live performances. Besides, I don't even know if you can buy the t-shirts from PBS.

Governer Of Maryland Honors Sid Meier With "Civilization V Day"
AJ: Aw, Sid Meier gets his own holiday and they name it after a sequel? Poor taste.

Source: Daily News from

date Saturday, July 31, 2010

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