While EA has yet to make a formal announcement regarding the highly-anticipated next chapter in the Battlefield franchise, the reveal of the Limited Edition bundle for the company's October-due Medal of Honor provides initial hints regarding Battlefield 3, including the game's beta.

So far, the extras revealed by EA as part of the Medal of Honor Limited Edition seem to be exclusively digital, as early purchasers will be granted extra weapons, ammo, and equipment. The biggest downloadable bonus, however, is a beta code for Battlefield 3.

While no media or gameplay information has been provided for the upcoming shooter, previous comments made by EA COO John Pleasants to G4TV suggest that DICE is remaining at the helm of the franchise. Additionally, the official Medal of Honor website (which you can find in the source link below) indicates that the Battlefield 3 beta will begin within a year of Medal of Honor's October 12 launch, and will land on the same systems as the Limited Edition, meaning Battlefield 3 will see release on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Windows PC.

SOURCE: Get Access To The Battlefield 3 Beta [Medal of Honor official website]

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Source: Daily News from GamePro.com

date Friday, July 30, 2010

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