Over the weekend we received a number of reports about a new design for the feed story of shared links. Now when multiple friends of a user share a link, each of those shares will be aggregated into a single feed story. The text that an individual enters when they share the post will show up as a comment and any likes of that post will also show up as likes within the comment. It’s not a major upgrade, however it helps improve the overall feed experience.

Facebook continuously makes subtle upgrades to feed stories as well as general interface improvements, and this is simply one of those. Rather than generating numerous feed stories for shared links, all are combined into a single post. You can see a screenshot of what the new story looks like below. Let us know if you’re seeing similar stories in your feed!

Thanks to David King and Tyler Tracy for the tip!

Shared Link Screenshot

Source: All Facebook

date Monday, July 26, 2010

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