EA dominated the news cycle by virtue of its annual summer showcase event, which means an outpouring of press releases. One or two non-EA things caught our eye, but other than that, other newsy stuff got buried pretty bad. Here's what we dug up:
07/20 -- A Spore Darkly
M2 Analysis From E3 2010
AJ: Here's M2 Research's E3 analysis. Nothing surprising here, but at least it's a break from combing through EA stuff.
Dave: Whenever you type that, I think you're saying "Modern Warfare 2" Research.
AJ: Yeah, I know that vid is old -- but I needed some way to express my mood today using video games.
Official PR - The God of Thunder Strikes! Thor: The Video Game Coming 2011
John: Another superhero game for Sega to fuck up.
Physics Engine of the Day
Tae: This is kind of cool. Ubisoft's lead technical guy created a neato physics engine. Impressive stuff.
Dave: Is it more neato or impressive?
Tae: It's impresseato.
Source: Daily News from GamePro.com