Want to have multiple users manage your Facebook Ads account? Thanks to a small upgrade by Facebook earlier today, you will now be able to share advertising accounts with multiple users. That means when the in-house Facebook Ads manager goes out of town for a couple weeks, you will now be able to add other users to the account. Previously, users had to create fake accounts to manage the Facebook Ads account.
The new feature, which is pictured below, is extremely easy to use. You simply type the email address or the name of a Facebook user (who’s also your friend) and you can add them to the account with a click of a button. While not a dramatic change, this follows a similar upgrade from Facebook recently which enabled external advertisers to target an application’s user base within advertisements. It’s a great tool for reengagement as well as for brands that are trying to reach a specific application’s demographic.
While there are plenty of third-party solutions for managing your Facebook ad campaigns, this new upgrade will most definitely help out a lot of advertisers. You can view this feature immediately within your Facebook Advertising account. Thanks to Josh Constine for pointing out the new feature.
Source: All Facebook