Today's news day was filled with new adventures planned for Bond and the Blue Bomber, while we also created a new editorial and podcast for your viewing and listening pleasure. The remainder of awesome content lieth here in the daily stale bread.

07/16 -- TGIF

God of War Movie Trailer

AJ: I don't think the terms 'God of War' and 'Indie film' have ever existed in the same paragraph, but they actually come together pretty well here.

Dave: In conclusion, Wes Anderson should do a video game movie.

The Internet trolls have forced Geohot to quit jailbreak research
AJ: Aww. The iPhone hacker is sad.

Dave: I always thought trolls and hackers were friends. I have much to learn about this internet.

Apple Will Give Free Bumpers to iPhone 4 Owners
Dave: Speaking of iPhones, FREE PLASTIC THINGS FROM APPLE!

AJ: It really doesn't take much to impress you, does it Dave.

Dave: Woah, these letters that I just pressed on a keyboard can now be seen on any computer screen!

AJ: On a serious note, I hope the victims of the recent layoffs at Sony Online and Rockstar San Diego can find subsequent employment in short order.

Dave: Agreed. Both teams have been responsible for some of the best games of recent years. I'm sure their talents will be rediscovered soon.

Exclusive 3 Wolf T-Shirt For Comicon?

Daily (Stale) Bread: The news we didn't post on July 16, 2010

Dave: If Capcom really does sell this shirt at Comic-Con, I just might hitchhike there.

AJ: Feh. I don't trust the fashion sense of someone who naysayed the Okami earbuds.

Source: Daily News from

date Saturday, July 17, 2010

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