There are so many different options to consider when you're trying to decide which fish to raise in FishVille. And as you move up to new levels and unlock more and more different kinds of fish, those options only become more plentiful. Each fish has its own particular characteristics, and so you'll have to make different purchasing decisions based on a number of different factors as you progress through the game.
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Of course, since your fish are your primary source of income in FishVille, you'll want to raise the ones that will sell for the highest number of coins. This analysis isn't quite as straightforward as it may seem to be initially, however. This is because a large ultimate sale cost doesn't necessarily mean that the particular type of fish is actually the most profitable. Your ultimate decision about which fish to raise in FishVille will have more to do with how many coins per hour each type of fish will bring in and how much of an actual return you're getting on your initial investment.
Why Experience is Important in FishVille?
Money isn't everything, though. You also earn experience points for each fish that you sell, and that's another important thing to keep in mind when you're trying to decide which fish to raise in FishVille. In the same way that you can analyze the relative profitability of each fish in terms of coins per hour, you can also see how they measure up to each other when it comes to experience points granted per hour. This is a particularly important measure because it's the experience points, not the coins, that allow you to advance to new levels in FishVille and unlock new items, tanks, and fish.Never Pay for Sand Dollars. Use Top Secret Hints and Tips To Boost FishVille Instantly!
Why Your Schedule is So Important in FishVille?
As important as all of these other measures and methods of analysis are, you ultimately will have to base your decision about which fish to raise in FishVille on how well each of their growth cycles fit into your own schedule. None of that careful planning and educated decision making will help you if you can't get back to feed your fish in time and they die. And since the amount of time your fish can go without food is directly related to the time it takes for that fish to complete each of its multiple growth cycles, you need to be sure and take this into account when you're making your fish selections.FishVille Strategies. Secret Strategies To Win At FishVille, Legally!
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Thanks! Mr.Farmville