Restaurant City is built around its dishes and each dish, while unique, doesn’t necessarily provide any better benefit than the others. What they do do however is provide you with a method to level them up. When you get your dishes all the way to the top, you will be able to make more coins and GP for every customer you serve. As a result, getting level 10 dishes should be one of your primary objectives well before you start playing Restaurant City seriously.

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How Many Dishes Are There in Restaurant City?

Currently, there are 53 standard dishes and a handful of drinks that can become level 10 dishes. Once your dishes reach that magical number, you can start developing a more streamlined process to get the coins and GP you need to reach the top level and start outfitting your restaurant in the ways you always dreamed of. But, before you can do that, you need to start gathering some ingredients.How to Get Your IngredientsIf you’re interested in loading up on level 10 dishes, you are going to need a LOT of ingredients. There are currently more than 2000 ingredients needed to reach Level 10 with every dish on your menu. That is a lot of collecting and if you just went about it on a daily basis, it would take you nearly 3 years to complete. Luckily, you have other ways to collect ingredients without spending the next third of a decade on this game.

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How do you go about that, you ask?

To start with, you need to decide which level 10 dishes you would like to focus on first. If you get three solid level 10 dishes right off the bat (one from each category), you can make a LOT more GP and coins than you were before, which makes finding new ingredients much easier. Additionally, gather as many new friends as possible and visit their restaurants to get the ingredient boosts. Also, trade with them freely to get the ingredients you may not already have for your dishes. You can also start gardening your own ingredients at Level 16, though it costs 2,000 coins to plant each seed, which can add up rather quickly.

In the end, getting all of your level 10 dishes is a long and arduous process. To seriously accomplish it, you will need to approach it from as many different angles as you can. Do that, and you will be well on your way to the top of the game.

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date Thursday, February 11, 2010

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