Restaurant City is a bit different than other social networking games in that it has a built in method of asking for a rating for your Restaurant. This Restaurant City popularity rating allows the game to effectively make you go out and socialize with people, drawing more players in and engaging the player base that many times over. However, getting your Restaurant City popularity rating up high enough is a bit hard. And it can be confusing at times because there are two ways to score popularity of your restaurant – both as the in-house popularity given by your customers and the score you get when you put your Restaurant out on Random Street to be rated by your fellow players.

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How to Get a Good Popularity Score in Restaurant City?

Good popularity scores start by offering solid service to your customers. If you don’t offer solid service, you will quickly start to drop off in your Restaurant City popularity rating. This means that you are taking too long to provide the dishes, the restaurant is dirty, or your employees are unhappy and tired. This can be fixed by setting up the right layout, feeding your employees before they get below 75% and by cleaning up regularly or, if you’re not online yourself, by hiring a janitor.

How to Keep the Rating High in Restaurant City?

Once you get a high Restaurant City popularity rating you need to keep it up there and that can be tough. The first thing to do is to make sure you don’t leave your restaurant open when you’re offline. This can be hard to remember, but it takes no time to fix. Just remove the door and put your employees to sleep when you log off each day, effectively making it so no new customers can come in and give a bad rating for slow service when those employees get tired. This is also good if you don’t have a janitor and the place becomes dirty.When your restaurant gets big, make sure to have a janitor in place for the toilets and always have a waiting system in place. Also, create a maze that will make it take longer for people to get to the seats when they arrive –this will help ensure a minimized number of problems with the bad ratings that can sink your restaurant if you are not careful.

If you play it right, your Restaurant City popularity rating can be maintained at a high, super popular rate, but you must pay close attention and be ready to adjust to any of the many conditions that might pop up in game.

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date Thursday, February 11, 2010

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