The first thing you probably noticed when you logged into YoVille all those weeks or months ago was how many different buildings and shops there are in the town. Those buildings have only expanded as the game has grown, bringing with them a slew of new options and features. Many people don’t ever bother to dig around and figure out what everything does, but if you’re serious about being a truly great player in this game, you should truly consider spending some time focusing on what the game has to offer and what you’ll be buying from each of the YoVille shops.

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What YoVille Shops Are Available?

There are shops for just about everything you could imagine in YoVille. The first shops you will get acquainted with are the ones designed to give you back the energy you need to get different tasks done in the game. These include the coffee shop, the club, and the diner. You will then notice shops for all the clothing, furniture and various items you can buy for your home. You can also buy styles for your hair, as well as upgrades for your home. Recent additions also include the music store and the pet shelter where you can pay YoVille Cash to pick up your very own furry little friend.

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How to Keep Track of all Those YoVille Shops?

If you’re having trouble keeping track of all the shops in the game and what they are for, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many people find it hard to remember what is available. Fortunately, you only really need a handful of them at any time, and some you will never buy anything from. The best route is to just look through them all once a week or so. That way, if you ever need an upgrade or item, you will know where to find it rather than sorting through hundreds of pages of items in each shop. If you have fun going through the different YoVille shops and picking up an assortment of items for your home or your character, you are not alone.

Those YoVille shops are among the more interesting aspects of the game and for anyone serious about excelling at the game, they are a highly necessary part of the process. But, make sure, when you start integrating shopping into your gameplay that you keep a close eye on the coins you spend.

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date Saturday, February 13, 2010

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