If you have extra money to spend, and you made it to PAX, here are a few items that are worth the extra cash.

The best things in life may be free, but there's a lot of good stuff you have to pay good money for as well. If you're at PAX this year, there's still time to stop by these shops and give them massive amounts of your cash in exchange for awesome things. And if you couldn't make it to PAX this year, you'll be able to find a lot of this great stuff online!

Everything at the Behemoth Booth

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

Dan looks lovingly upon that which he has created.

The only PAX-exclusive item is a convention t-shirt and a few hard-to-get mini figurines, but the real reason to buy from the store here is so that artist Dan Paladin can sign your newly acquired fan swag!

New Cthulhu Dice

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

A plush Cthulhu creeps into the side of this picture as if to say, 'please buy me!'

The company behind awesome board games like Munchkin is at PAX with a slew of items that won't be available online until after the show. While what you buy will probably depend on what you're already playing, I'm partial to the new alternate colors available for Cthulhu dice. If you couldn't make the show, you can see their catalog of available games at SJGames.com.

Pipe Mug

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

Cute mug, but it's annoying when Italian plumbers keep trying to jump inside it while you're drinking coffee.

The Fangamer group doesn't have any exclusives at the show this year, but if you've ever wanted to see their high-quality merch in person before dropping the money to pick it up, this is a great chance. Their biggest seller at the show has been the pipe mug you see above; you can find plenty more shirts, collectibles, and more at their site Fangamer.net.

The Bastion Soundtrack

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

Coming soon: A narrator who syncs with your MP3 player and narrates your entire life.

The Bastion soundtrack is one of my favorite musical scores released this year, but Supergiant games makes buying it at PAX a little sweeter: their copies are only $15 and come signed by the dev team.

Official PAX T-Shirt

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

It's like a fast food restaurant for swag.

While a bunch of the shirts and posters available here also come online, the PAX booth is your only chance to get an official PAX t-shirt. It's like buying the band t-shirt when they're on tour.

Hard-to-Find Game Soundtracks

The Six Best Things to Buy at PAX

A little slice of Japan right on the convention floor.

You can shop Pink Gorrilla's stock of retro and import gaming goods online, but there's just something a lot more exciting about getting through thumb through their library of games and soundtracks in person.

Source: Daily News from GamePro.com

date Sunday, August 28, 2011

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