As reported by Vulture, songstress and actress Beyonce Knowles supposedly backed out of a video game deal with developer Gate Five LLC to star in a motion-controlled dance title called "Starpower: Beyonce" at a "crucial moment in the project's development." The singer is said to have made an "extortionate demand" for money late in the game's development cycle, and when that demand wasn't met, she walked out -- a move that cost 70 people their jobs "the week before Christmas". The studio is asking for the $6.7 million it had invested in the project, as well as $100 million in potential profits.

No word from Beyonce's camp yet, so this news may best be taken with a grain of salt.

Read the nitty-gritty details straight from the court summons right here.

Source: Daily News from

date Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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