Not only are they the fastest growing segment on Facebook, games like Farmville and Cityville are the kinds of online social activities they engage in the most. And, what’s more, this consumer group is identical in make-up to the average Kirkland’s customer.

When players engage in the promo, a wall post appears on their profile and in their friends’ news feeds. This post announces their participation in the game and invites other players to do the same.

So, 11 days into the promotion, 54,875 people have entered the sweepstakes, 50,021 are playing the swap game and the number of total Facebook fans has grown to 165,229. The page seems like it’s on track to hit the 200,000 goal pretty soon.

And while gaining a million Facebook likes is certainly noteworthy, Redpepper believes that getting 200,000 impassioned brand advocates is a much truer measure of social media success.

Guest writer Matt Reed is a developer at Redpepper who invented the like light.

Source: All Facebook

date Thursday, April 28, 2011

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