If you are to believe Vitrue’s new Social Page Evaluator, the value of our Facebook Page is over $300,000. If we posted less frequently, the company suggests that we could boost the value of the page to more than $600,000! While we often extol the value of Facebook Pages, we’ve yet to place an exact dollar value on a Facebook Page. Vitrue tends to value the average fan at $5 in “earned media value”.
Regardless of whether or not you agree with such valuations, we’ve certainly gained an immense amount of value from our Facebook Page. In fact, if you offered $300,000 we’d have to think twice about selling it. Granted, one could purchase 60,000 fans for well under $60,000 through third-parties, however a group of active fans who comment and like content can be extremely valuable.
Additionally, many of those fans continue to stick around and comment on content. While Facebook is constantly providing more features to increase engagement within Facebook Pages, the value of Pages is already extremely significant. If you want to find out the value of your Facebook Page, go check out Vitrue’s new Social Page Evaluator.
Source: All Facebook