Nintendo's heart contract, StarCraft's beta breakup, and Scribblenauts going plural took up today's normal news cycle, but these daily stale bread news bits are staying around for extra credit.

05/15 - Go buy Bit.Trip Runner already

What Quote Got YOU Fired from GameStop?

Daily (stale) bread: Not quite news for May 17, 2010

AJ: So Dave, what did you say to customers that cost you your gaming retail gig?

Dave: You're supposed to talk to the customers?

WCG Ultimate Gamer Returns To TV This August
John: For anyone suffering withdrawal from 'The Tester."Dave: I preferred this show back when it was called WCG Ultimate Gamer on the Sci Fi Channel.

Remedy: Anybody who hasn't played Heavy Rain should do so
Dave: The creators of an awesome story-based game would like you to play another awesome story based game. I do believe I will take them up on their offer.

Kids Teaching Time Travel (Stephen Hawking)

Dave: Kudos to the creators of this video for not only easily explaining time travel, but for also squeezing in both a Zelda and a Back to the Future reference.

Source: Daily News from

date Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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