Evidence is on the rise that Android is becoming a significant mobile gaming platform. The latest tidbit: Scoreloop, a social feature platform for mobile games, reports that it is adding 300,000 new Android users per week.
We’ve written about Scoreloop several times. Available for both Android and iPhone games, the company allows white-label use of its platform — so you may not always realize that you’re using it. Developers using Scoreloop can add various social features to their games, like leaderboards, social networking and discovery, virtual currency and challenges.
Since launching its white-label service last October, Scoreloop CEO Marc Gumpinger says that 2,000 developers have signed up, resulting in a couple hundred games.
The company only added Android compatibility in December, following its April 2009 release of an iPhone platform. That made it an early arrival to the cross-platform scene, which we’re seeing more companies dive into as it becomes more obvious that that Android is a serious mobile gaming challenger to the iPhone.
Scoreloop is keeping up the pressure, though. The company is also announcing the launch today of a software development kit to help developers work across the two platforms, as well as looping in MySpace. And it’s working on adding more white-label services for each platform, like downloadable content.
Asked what will set Scoreloop apart in the future, Gumbinder tells us in an email that in-game challenges created by players, as well as team mechanics. “Meaning: games that are designed for you to advance only if friends help you doing so,” he writes. “All of this gets really powerful when being combined with our virtual goods and currency.”
Source: Inside Social Games