The latest scam circulating on Facebook touts a Niki Minaj sex tape that doesn’t exist. Clicking through exposes you to malware and spam, and completing the survey makes a commission for the spammer while you get nothing in return.

The posts about the nonexistent sex tape include a message in all capital letters with poor punctuation. Clicking on the link takes you to a page that asks you to click on a share button, which puts three posts on your wall while making it look like you’re only putting one up.

The survey begins with a request for your contact information, followed by an ironic set of questions about which of the seven deadly sins you succumb to the most.

After you complete them, the application promises to tell you which of the seven only after you’ve looked at about a dozen different marketing promotions that all ask you for more information. I clicked “skip” on all of them, and that’s probably why I was eventually told that my sin is “sloth” — the furthest thing from what I’m really like in real life.

Have you seen posts about a Niki Menaj sex tape on your friends’ walls? Has anyone reported the scam to Facebook?

Props to our friends at Facecrooks for pointing this scam out.

Source: All Facebook

date Monday, January 31, 2011

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