As Halloween nears and, along with it, the impending removal of Facebook’s own discussion tab from pages, administrators are quickly girding themselves with alternative solutions.

Fanzila‘s Forums App, which includes a discussion tab, boasts 55,600 installations on pages since its release earlier this month.

Forums App offers full forum functionality, support for multiple forums, a rich text editor, and media integration.

The co-founder of the Tel Aviv-based company, Asaf Gendler, said in an email to us:

We see page owners jumping to add the Fanzila Forums app before Facebook removes its Discussion Tab at the end of the month.

The Fanzila Forums app is the perfect solution for all users who want to replace their discussions with another solution. Big advantages we offer are the ability to launch multiple forums on a Facebook page tab, seamless integration with other apps, and powerful moderation features.

Readers: Do you welcome the ability to continue using forums and other discussion vehicles to interact with brands on Facebook?

Source: All Facebook

date Friday, October 21, 2011

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