Facebook has begun highlighting photos from pages you like.
The social network has “highlighted friends’ photos for a while, but I’ve never seen them promote page photos until today,” said Brittany Darwell, social media coordinator at Ignited, who sent us the screenshot that appears to the right. It’s “good for brands if this continues.”
If the practice does continue, that could amount to free advertising for the brands that upload the most pictures.
Presumably, Facebook wants brands to put more images on their pages.
Pages look a lot more inviting with regularly updated images.
Uploading them can also be an easier way to update page content more frequently and put more stories in fans’ news feeds and tickers.
Tagging those images provides an additional way for brands to send messages into news feeds and tickers.
Readers, have you seen Facebook highlight photos from pages you like, and if so, did you feel motivated to click through to the images?
Source: All Facebook