A patch fixed a number of issues with Stardock's new strategy game Elemental: War of Magic, but some players are still dealing with crashes. A Stardock spokesperson says videocards are behind some -- but not all -- of the issues.

Stardock spokesperson Stephanie Tinsley-Schopp told GamePro in an e-mail that the developer/publisher identified a bug that sometimes causes crashes with ATI videocards while running the game in full-screen mode. The development team currently has a workaround solution where players can run the game safely in windowed mode. A long-term solution is in the works between Stardock and ATI. Additionally, Schopp says players can make the windows as big as their screens.

Another issue appears to be the lack of multiplayer at launch. Stardock CEO Brad Wardell addressed it in a forum post, explaining that "team exhaustion" from the early release pushed back multiplayer by about a week.

UPDATE: Stardock plans to push out v1.06 on Thursday evening, which should fix the "white screen" bug that occurs on some PC setups. A forum post also notes that this patch should also address memory issues those players are experiencing. Details of the patch may be found here.

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Source: Daily News from GamePro.com

date Friday, August 27, 2010

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