After first announcing that the company was in the process of opening an office in Hyderbad, a video has been released displaying an “opening ceremony” of sorts. Only days after data was released showing that Facebook had displaced Orkut in the country, there’s now an office to show that the company is solidifying its presence in the country.

With over 13 million Facebook users living in India, it is one of the most important countries for the company. Given that there over 1 billion people living in India alone, the country could end up being one of the primary reasons that Facebook surpasses 1 billion users. Given that Facebook has grown from 8 million Indian Facebook users in March, Facebook appears to be experiencing a growth rate similar to the one experienced in the U.S.

You can check out the video of the company’s office grand opening below.

Source: All Facebook

date Sunday, August 29, 2010

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