As spotted in prolific Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, Half-Minute Hero, Marvelous and XSEED's delightfully affectionate parody of the JRPG genre, is getting an official sequel.

According to Famitsu, the sequel -- named Hero 30 Second in Japan -- will stick closer to its role-playing roots, where the original Half-Minute Hero would regularly jump genres from RPG to real-time strategy to shoot-em-up. The game is said to span five scenarios, featuring roughly 90 quests throughout. Also noted is the inclusion of an in-depth quest editor that will allow players to construct their own bite-sized endeavors from the ground up, and then share them online.

The title will also feature a revamped multiplayer option, boasting updated wireless capabilities that will support up to four simultaneous players, as well as an "Infinite Hero" survival mode.

Famitsu reveals Half-Minute Hero 2

Half-MInute Hero (PSP)

While the first Half-Minute Hero couldn't really be called a great financial success, shipping a scant 18,000 units, it became something of an unexpected critical darling, earning an impressive 84 on MetaCritic, and a 4.5/5 star, Editor's Choice ranking from GamePro's own Andy Burt in his review. It's uncertain if the sequel will see the light of day on North American shores, but here's hoping Marvelous's new 30-second epic will at the very least see a digital release on the PlayStation Network.

SOURCE: Half-Minute Hero Sequel Announced [IGN]

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Source: Daily News from

date Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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