Every Facebook game has its methods of measuring your progress. For Pet Society, the trophies that you can gain from completing various aspects of the game are that means. There are 42 total Pet Society trophy options in the game with 14 different categories and 3 trophies in each of those categories. They come in bronze, silver, and gold and will grow harder the higher you get. For the most part, the Pet Society trophy system is relatively easy to master, but there are a few tricky ones you’ll want to know how to get around if you’re serious about pulling this off.

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How Can I Get a Pet Society Trophy?

To get a Pet Society Trophy, you simply need to learn what different things are required for their completion. There are any number of different categories, each of them with three different levels of completion. For example, you can get the Ball tossing trophies by keeping the ball up 15 times (bronze trophy), 30 times (silver trophy), and 50 times (gold trophy). The bronze trophies are almost all things that you’re going to be able to do anyways, but the higher level trophies may take you some time and energy to complete in most cases.

What Do the Pet Society Trophy Categories Mean?

The majority of the trophy categories involve doing a certain action a certain number of times. In fact, almost half the trophies are directly related to going out and buying clothing and furniture. These things will happen with time anyways, so don’t worry about speeding through them. Then there are races, betting, and sports – which make up 5 of the 14 categories. The remaining categories are related to visiting friends and sending gifts – two things that any good Pet Society player should do anyways, but that you may find yourself doing in large bursts to get quicker.

If you want to get a Pet Society trophy or if you want to get all 42 of them, you need to start out by logging into the game each and every day and working toward a tangible list of things you can complete. It might seem like you’re working towards a lot of different goals here, but in all honesty, you’ll get over half of these trophies just by playing the game if you login each day. The rest will take some more time, but with a good eye for details in the game, you’ll snag them before you know it.  

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date Thursday, March 11, 2010

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