Uncharted 3's multiplayer beta starts tomorrow, and if you don't have a code in this 11th hour, we've got a handful to giveaway right over here!
UPDATE: OK! That's all the code we've got, and congratulations to all the winners. And if you didn't win a key, don't despair, though. Uncharted 3's multiplayer beta opens to everyone else on July 4th!
Original Text: If you're not one of the lucky people who snagged a free code for the Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception multiplayer beta, we're about to become your new best friend.
Previously, the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta was only available to PlayStation Network Plus users and those who bought special copies of Infamous 2. However, we just so happen to have 40 codes to give away, and we'll be running the contest all day. Even better, these codes give you access to something that the normal beta keys don't -- the Creepy Crawler Kickback, an ability that turns your character into a swarm of dangerous bugs.
Here's how you can get your hands on a beta key:
- Winning on GamePro: Leave a comment here for a chance to win a code, and we'll randomly pick from the pool throughout the day. (Only one comment per user!)
- Winning on Twitter: Make sure you're following @GamePro, then shoot us a message mentioning @GamePro and #UNCHARTED3 (in the same tweet, one per user -- and bots will be ignored).
- Winning on Facebook: "Like" the GamePro Facebook page, then comment on the following contest post on Facebook. (Only one comment per user!)
For more info on the beta, the dates, and the features, make sure to visit Uncharted 3's beta info web hub. Also, you should probably follow Naughty Dog on Twitter. They'll be opening the gates to the demo at a certain time tomorrow.
We'll update this post when we've given away all of our Uncharted 3 beta codes, so good luck!
Source: Daily News from GamePro.com