A rash of recent social media conferences inspired us to compile these tips to help public relations professionals get the most out of the social media site.
- Thursday is the best day of the week to get the most visibility for a Facebook post.
- Release major stories in the early morning. If you post between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST, you risk your content getting pushed down by news feeds and other traffic.
- When sharing stories, include the full link on Facebook — that’s 300 percent more likely to get clicked on than any shortened address.
- Use both the like and send Facebook buttons on your site.
- Want the secret behind making it into your friends’ “top news” feed? It’s based on an algorithm known as Edge Rank. Use words like “today,” and “limited-time only,” to increase its Edge Rank.
- According to a recent study from Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, Facebook is among the leading drivers of traffic to 21 news web sites. So when sharing a good media story, don’t forget to leverage the leading social network.
- Want to know which words are most “shareable” on Facebook? Try words like “best,” “most,” and those that explain, such as “why,” and “how.”
- Facebook may be a better platform for making a video go viral than other social media platforms, probably because the site makes it easy to embed multimedia content into a post.
Hey, P.R. pros, do you have other tips to help increase Facebook engagement?
Source: All Facebook